Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Eve in NYC

New Year's Eve in NYC

Hey guys! Since New Year's eve is tomorrow, I decided to show you an outfit idea that's great for if you're going to a party. For this look, I took a super sparkly dress and added a solid black blazer, to balance out the look. My accesories were simple, black heels and a black purse, and I added a touch of glam with a statement necklace. Since there is a lot of sparkle in this outfit, I would go for a simple makeup look, maybe winged eyeliner and a nude lipstick. Hope you guys liked this outfit inspiration, and I'm excited to see you again in 2014!

New Year's Eve in NYC by fromfashion2beauty featuring a vero moda jacket

Sparkly dress

Vero moda jacket
$55 -

Nude lipstick

Friday, December 20, 2013

How to have a successful Polyvore! Tips + Tricks

Hey Everybody! So as some of you may know, I'm kinda addicted to Polyvore. If you haven't heard of Polyvore, it's basically a website that lets you create fashion, art, or design collages and it's a great place to get outfit inspiration. I've been on Polyvore for about a year now, and it's safe to say I've learned a lot. Although I am definitely not an expert, I thought it would be fun to share with you a few things I've learned and things that I wish I had known when I first started.

  • Come up with a creative name. This is the first step in helping your page to really stand out among thousands of others. A creative name will help people to remember you and it is the first step in having a successful account.
  • Follow everyone. I mean, everyone. I know this seems obvious, but don't just wait for others to follow you! You will also gain lots of inspiration and ideas from seeing other's sets and creations.
  • Post frequently, and regularly. I'm not saying you have to post everyday, just aim for an amount that seems reasonable. I usually post about 1-3 times a week. Even if you are really busy, just take some time every week and create several draft sets that you can publish periodically throughout the week.
  • Join lots of groups. This is something that I totally overlooked when I first started Polyvore. Posting sets in groups is probably the best way for people to notice you. When you go to publish a set, you have the option of posting to group sets, and you can post each set in up to 5 groups. I would try to join groups with similar taste to yours, like an "Outfits Only" group or an "Interior Design" group. A good group usually has about 500-1,00 people, enough for you to gain attention but not so many that no one will ever see your set. I would join as many groups as you can and then alternate what groups you post to.
  • Enter in contests. Now there are two types of contests on Polyvore: group contests and Polyvore contests. Group contests are contests open only to the people in a certain group, and they are smaller contests in which you will have a better chance of winning. Polyvore contests are open to all of polyvore, which means much more people enter. Although they are harder to win, many more people can view your sets and you will get a lot more exposure.
  • Connect with others on Polyvore. Polyvore is a great way to get to know other creative people with similar styles to you. Make sure you are friendly with others, and comment and message people whose sets you really love. One of my favorite things about Polyvore is how genuinely kind everyone is, and I love it when someone sends me a nice message or leaves a sweet comment.
  • Make collections. Collections are a great way to organize your sets or items. I like to organize my sets into seasonal collections, and it helps me to be able to easily view sets I posted a long time ago.
  • Tag your sets. This is essential when you first start out. Tag your sets with your set title, your username, the items in your set, and anything else that could help people to easily find your creations.
  • Like and comment on other sets. Make sure you often check your following feed to look at what others are creating. Liking other sets (and especially commenting) might just encourage others to do the same to you.
  • Develop your own personal style. Though it's great to gain inspiration from others, don't let yourself turn into a clone. Make sets that reflect your personal style, and your creativity will draw others toward you and ultimately bring you success.
Okay guys, I hope that gave you some inspiration! Have any other tips for me? Leave a comment below and I'll see you soon! Bye!
